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Showing posts from November, 2022

Reflecting on Reflection in Reflective Theory

Reflective learning.  Although I quite enjoy writing, I have never been one to write consistently in a journal, or come to think of it... I don't do anything consistently. My sleep schedule is all over the map from going to bed between 9pm-2am, to waking up at 4-10am. It depends on the day. Some days I work 14 hours, some I work 1. Some days I eat 3 meals, some days I eat 2, and some I eat 5. Depends on the day. Some days I listen to soft jazz and lay on the ground, some days I blast techno and scream around the house.  The most consistent part of me is my inconsistency. I am a juggler of many jobs, a wearer of many hats, and a feeler of many emotions.  When it comes to learning...I am the same way. Some days I can listen and learn, other days what you say goes in one ear and immediately out the other. I am a note taker- but on paper, never digital. I learn by observation but some days I just have to feel it in my body. So when it comes to reflection of my learning I find...

A day in the life; when the reverse doesn't work out.

Journal Writing Experience.  This is a blog that references back to the journal writing experience task outlined in the handbook. It's one that I did a few weeks back but just never posted as I wrote it out on paper instead. As I re-type it with a few weeks more knowledge, it's interesting to read back and see what I was thinking in those moments. I wrote this journal entry in point form, not necessarily worried about full sentences, and as a "Q and A" style to ensure I stayed on task as I can often drift.  Once I completed the first part of the task I used the viewpoint of my dancers. Description, what happened? Bold the main events:  woke up, did my usual routine, walked the puppy on the long route today listening to a podcast for my AOL. Screenshots of the timestamps so I can refer back.  drove to work, running late, coffee in my mug, spilt.  chatted to the owner, completed my work load I need to get done before my surgery- holiday market things are good to ...