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A day in the life; when the reverse doesn't work out.

Journal Writing Experience. 

This is a blog that references back to the journal writing experience task outlined in the handbook. It's one that I did a few weeks back but just never posted as I wrote it out on paper instead. As I re-type it with a few weeks more knowledge, it's interesting to read back and see what I was thinking in those moments. I wrote this journal entry in point form, not necessarily worried about full sentences, and as a "Q and A" style to ensure I stayed on task as I can often drift. 

Once I completed the first part of the task I used the viewpoint of my dancers.

Description, what happened? Bold the main events: 

  • woke up, did my usual routine, walked the puppy on the long route today listening to a podcast for my AOL. Screenshots of the timestamps so I can refer back. 
  • drove to work, running late, coffee in my mug, spilt. 
  • chatted to the owner, completed my work load I need to get done before my surgery- holiday market things are good to go 
  • phone calls with staff for my studio- looking at next season- who's staying- what to offer- break the news about moving to a new space 
  • chat to business partner, formulate some emails 
  • take puppy for small walk
  • read some journal article, got confused 
  • drove to work, spoke to mom on route 
  • taught 4 classes
  • developed choreography for them to work on while I am in recovery from surgery
  • started reversing the dance- is it possible to move in the opposite direction, opposite movement, and reverse the soundtrack. Yes. I loved it. They hated it.
  • reflected on what went well and wrong with senior class- why is the process of involving them in choreo so painful for them? 
  • ate dinner, caught up with husband, watched The Sinner
  • bed
Focus point: reversing choreography. A piece I am working on where I have choreographed the first half and then as a group we will deconstruct this and reverse the entire piece.

Initial reflection: my day was like many others, filled with puppy walks, work, and dance. Lots of car rides and juggling many hats. I was expecting the choreography session to go really well and was met with a lot of frustrated dancers which was quite surprising. I knew what I was doing would eventually resonate with them but pushing them outside of their norm was a huge undertaking I didn't quite expect.

-balance -confusion -frustration -joy -movement -exploration -technique -resistance -breath -irritation -playfulness -chaos -order 

  • used reverse idea in choreography- dancers move for half of the piece and then reverse all movement, music, and sequenced patterns 
  • went in with mindset around playfulness, team work, exploration 
  • was met with frustration from some students, and power shifts from "leaders" in the group that caused riffs within the team 
  • the need to be "right" was present, as ego orientation kicked in 
  • some dancers went on their own to explore to avoid this negativity within the group
  • discussion with dancers about what went well and what didn't 
  • need time to reflect before implementing same structure again next class 
What if?
-the good: team dynamics increase positivity, exploration of movement occurs, playfulness is embraced and rigid execution diminishes, a sense of embodiment is explored.
-the ugly: team turn on one another, ego orientation presents itself, the use of the body as an instrument for the end goal is realized, play is not present, individual give up.

Another view: dancer. Potential thoughts from the dancer.
  • why can't she just give us choreography
  • why do we have to reverse the piece, no one will understand it anyway
  • I can't count the music when it's played backwards 
  • I don't think that person is right but they're the loudest so we will end up doing their way 
  • I am for sure right about this, it's on count 2 not 3
  • this is impossible
  • there is no way to reverse the step 
  • this is such a waste of time 
Themes: ego orientation, embodied practice, disassociation, ego vs self, outcome roles, team dynamics, communication 

Photo: from Broken Rhythms show "Above Me"
Taken by Emma Dickerson 2022


  1. I love the another view section! And I'm so happy you write about it because I know even at my workplace taste is so different and as dancers some professionals feel this way around having to create and problem solve in the studio. If I was with you I would be another another view which is 'This is impossible!' as a great thing, so exciting to maybe fail spectacularly. Maybe someone will understand it - what does it actually mean to understand something?
    The idea of following the loudest is difficult though - I feel it.

    1. Yes completely agree- I love when it feels impossible. That's where the magic happens :)

  2. Great to see you also exploring this framework for reflection. How did you find doing the 'another view section'? I found this quite difficult initially. I was actually love how you have bullet pointed this I want to try it this way because somehow it can feel quite overwhelming to approach each day with such an extensive framework. Yet I found this framework to be most effective to reach a deeper level of reflection somehow.


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