Feedback: the transmission of evaluative or corrective information about an action, event, or process to the original or controlling source (Merriam Webster, 2023).
I am a feedback-forward person. I use dialogue and conversation to dissect feedback and to understand its fullest potential from the source. Within my various jobs feedback is something that I am continuously receiving. Although I give feedback to teachers and students daily, I am also receiving it from those in superior positions (my boss', choreographers, and directors) and those I work with (students, colleagues, reviewers, and audiences). Adding school back into my life adds another layer of feedback and one I am still trying to navigate.
The feedback I receive as a dancer is not a suggestion, it is based on implementation and immediate change. Within my teaching and leading roles feedback is more conversational and subjective but often is something that needs to be acted on with the changes proposed. I rarely receive feedback that is a suggestion only.
Within my inquiry draft I received feedback as planned. I have been waiting to implement this feedback as to ensure I was 100% sure of the changes that needed to be made. Today Helen reminded me that the feedback is not necessarily for exact change and replication but rather to invoke a new thought or pose a new question about the inquiry. This is a mind shift that I am finding quite difficult. Although I am providing others with feedback in a way that is meant to be only suggestions, receiving it this way is proving difficult.
Are we conditioned as dancers to implement change based on others' perceptions and to not question if those changes are needed or right? In my experience- yes.
So my task, along with all of the other tasks, is to find the middle ground. To understand feedback is a suggestion but not just to know this in mind but to know it in heart, and to move into that place of suggestion.
As I prepare for a show that premiers next Thursday, I am finding these two different ways of approaching feedback very frustrating and confusing. But, I trust the process, and the evolution, and will keep on working to find the blend of academia and practice.
Thanks a lot for these thoughts Cael! I will keep this in mind too..